An exciting milestone was reached with the topping out of the cyclotron and gantry vaults for the Moffitt Proton Therapy Center at Speros. The Topping out included a sequence of sixteen concrete pours, comprising 5500 CYs of concrete, and 600,000 pounds of reinforcing steel. The shielding walls are an average of 9’ thick, and all told the vault structure is approximately 20 million pounds of concrete. The milestone was celebrated with a Barbecue for all the workers. We would like to give a big shout-out to our trade partners Baker Concrete, Borell Electric, and Mielke Mechanical who made this all happen!
Barr&Barr/Project Updates/Project Milestone: Moffitt SPEROS MAC + Proton Therapy Center Topping Out Barbecue
Project Milestone: Moffitt SPEROS MAC + Proton Therapy Center Topping Out Barbecue